
Friday, May 11, 2007

Xiao Mi, my old friend

Xiao Mi is an old friend of mine. Today I managed to dig out his pictures and I am so glad! In those days, digital camera is scarce!!! Pictures are taken in 1999.

A little history about this friend

Xiao Mi was picked up as a kitten in 1987 while I was walking back from home one drizzling evening. He was sitting near a drain and being soaked by the rain, oblivious to the danger of flowing water. This little ginger was wearing "white socks" with a hook tail. He was calm when I picked him up. Happily, I brought him home and he lived with us for his rest of his life.
He passed away when he was about 15 years old. He was an amazing cat who was very independent and super 'dao'. He would walked himself every evening and return home to rest after his stroll. Though he has left us many years, I still missed him dearly!
Hope cougar babe is not jealous!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

New Arrivals!!!! 050507 Twin Sisters!!!!

This is Moi, 1 year old liao vs below picture. Stylo and chio hor, don play play ah!!!

Refreshing your memory... this is me last year on 043006.

Weighing at 3030g

See who looks like moi below????

My younger sister, weighing 2680g at birth

(Delta - 350g from me)

Youngest Sister weighing 2480g at birth

(Delta -550g from me leh)

My little sisters!!! The clothes are oversized for them!!!!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Celebration Sh0Ts!!!

Hello!! As promised, I am going to show you my birthday celebrations pictures!!!!
Don't drool or blinkQ!!!
My little flower dress, isn't it sweet!!!

This is my birthday dress given by my grandma. Here is my cousin who is 6 days younger than me. His hair is trying to catch up with my height and he has a bigger tummy. Oh boys are boys, tummy is a must!!! kakakaka


See the drumsticks??? My kor kor cousin and his di di buay ta han liao. But it is for me, not for them!!! gagagaga

Hmmmm... yum yum, don't salivate ok!!! Ask your daddy or mommy to buy for you! I have 2 leh!!!!!! Hold 1 on my left and the other on my right hand!!!

Next, the ang ku stepping ceremony!!!!! with my new shoes leh
You are definately too heavy for this!!!! heee

I don't understand why they wanna strap me to the baby chair, I am already 1 year old liao leh!!! Treat me like a BIG BABY leh....

hehehe, so pai say....